Millers Pond

A park in , Croydon • Shirley Way, CR0 8PN

discover wildfowl, birds and bats
eat a picnic at one of two picnic tables
play on the open grassed area
stroll around the pond

  • Bat box
  • Bird box
  • Bug hotel
  • Pond/lake
  • Herb garden

  • Dawn until dusk
  • Dogs allowed with some dog free zones
  • Benches with backrests and sidearms
  • Dog litter bins
  • Information board
  • Litter bins
  • Tool storage facility
  • Accessible entrance

Millers Pond is a 4 acre park which was originally part of Spring Park Farm and was acquired by Croydon Council in 1934. It was named after the last family to work the farm. The pond was the largest of three ponds. The park is surrounded by residential houses and the main entrance to it is in Shirley Way. The pond is the central feature but there is also a large grassed area with two large tables where families can play or have a picnic. Local residents like to walk their dogs around the perimeter of this area which is separated from the central play area by some slightly overgrown meadow land. There is also a smaller grassed area near what we call the beach where ducks and geese like to come out of the pond and graze. Millers Pond is a popular place for wildlife lovers, bird watchers, dog walkers and families with young children who enjoy feeding the ducks (please read our 'Pond' page regarding responsible duck feeding). It is home to many species of wildlife including mallards, geese, moorhens, coots, cormorants and the occasional heron. The park is also very popular with people of all ages who just want to sit and enjoy being in this ornamental and tranquil 'haven'.

Who you will find in Millers Pond

Best place to check for events in this park


The organisation with legal responsibility for Millers Pond is Croydon Council.

Millers Pond is managed and maintained by Croydon Council.

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