River Wandle

Walk the Wandle Trail
Discover the historic mills
Visit the Wandle Industrial Museum
Enjoy the network of green spaces
Watch wildlife
Go fishing

  • Historic features
  • River/stream
  • Nature reserve
  • Treescape

  • Always open
  • Dogs allowed with some dog free zones
  • Wandle Trail
  • Park Cafe - indoor and outdoor seating

The Wandle Valley Regional Park is a legacy of the Industrial Revolution. Its fast-flowing waters powered about 100 mills from Croydon and Carshalton to the Thames at Wandsworth. The high level of industry prevented the builders of London’s sprawling suburbs from building too close to the river. With the remaining riverside estates of local entrepreneurs, this left a string of attractive parks linked by wilderness and the Wandle Trail. That legacy brings together some 900 hectares of south London’s open spaces under a unified vision.

Who you will find in River Wandle

Wandle Industrial Museum

Industrial heritage


The organisation with legal responsibility for River Wandle is Multiple custodians including riparian Boroughs, National Trust and others.

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